姓名: | - | 国籍: | 中国 | 无照片 |
目前所在地: | 广州 | 民族: | 汉族 | |
户口所在地: | 广东省 | 身材: | 173 cm kg | |
婚姻状况: | 未婚 | 年龄: | 23 岁 | |
培训认证: | 诚信徽章: |
求职意向及工作经历 |
人才类型: | 普通求职 | ||
应聘职位: | 电子/邮电/通讯类:通信行业(客服、研发、技术支持) 计算机类 计算机相关职位 | ||
工作年限: | 0 | 职称: | 无职称 |
求职类型: | 全职 | 可到职- | 随时 |
月薪要求: | 1500--20xx | 希望工作地区: | 广州 |
个人工作经历: | 20xx.07-20xx.08 广州电器安全检验所 电器附件与电子元件实验室 负责协助项目工程师完成对送检产品的检测工作。 参与帮助该部门出色完成国家监督抽查任务,锻炼了动手能力,提高了快速学习和沟通能力。 1.广州卫星气象地面站及羊城晚报印务中心参观学习。 2.用汇编语言完成打字程序设计编写及其说明报告,程序可显示时间及正确率。 3.与同学合作制作出锁相环频率合成器,可实现0.1KHz-99.9KHz的频率输出范围变化 4.用迭代法和辛普森法解决定积分,然后用C语言实现,最后用MATLAB绘出函数图形 5.用C语言编写程序解决快速排序,哈希表,皇后问题,并用图形显示皇后问题的结果 6.设计完成社区网络通信系统设计,可实现为小区居民提供日常管理交流、娱乐、游戏和教育等各方面的服务。 | ||
教育背景 |
毕业院校: | 广东工业大学 | ||
最高学历: | 大专 | 毕业- | 20xx-07-01 |
所学专业一: | 通信工程专业 | 所学专业二: | |
受教育培训经历: | 20xx.09-20xx.07 广东工业大学 通信工程专业 1997.09-20xx.06 广州市第一中学 学习成绩及奖励: 20xx-20xx年度优秀学业奖学金 20xx-20xx年度优秀学业奖学金 通过大学英语四级考试CET-4 | ||
语言能力 |
外语: | 英语 一般 | ||
国语水平: | 一般 | 粤语水平: | 一般 |
工作能力及其他专长 |
专业技能: 熟悉GSM、CDMA等各种通信系统的基础原理 熟悉各种网络基础结构和协议(TCP/IP,UDP),通信交换原理(帧中继,分组交换,ATM等) 熟悉操作PROTEL20xx进行电子电路设计软件 熟悉运用MATLAB软件进行数字图像处理 熟悉掌握C语言,JAVA、数据库SQL和汇编语言,并曾编写多个程序完成课程设计 具有良好的英语听说能力和较好的专业英语水平 | |
详细个人自传 |
个性特点:积极乐观,做事耐心,学习能力强,性格温和,具有良好的团队合作精神和良好的沟通协调能力。热爱运动,并在20xx年11月,参加学院足球赛获得第四名。 | |
English Resume: | Zhi Ming,Lei --------------------------------------------------------------------- TEL: (020)81366440 ,13751771183 E-MAIL:LEIZHIMING8@163.com MAJOR SUBJECT: Communication Engineering Mail Box:Room 301,No.171,DongFengXi Road ,GuangZhou --------------------------------------------------------------------- Education History: 20xx.9-20xx.7 Guangdong University of Technology, Communication Engineering B.E. 1997.9-20xx.7 Guangzhou NO.1 Middle School. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Practice and internship: Work in CEST(China Guangzhou Electrical Safely Testing Institute) Electron & Electrical components lab Department during summer vocation in 20xx. Mainly assisting Test Engineer accomplish task of testing product. I have honor take part in carrying an assignment which is assign by National Testing Center of Product Quality Supervision and success in it. Invent a phase - locked loop frequency hybrider by protel99 with the cooperation of my classmate. Its range 0.1KHz~99.9KHz Work out a simple type program which can be used to calculate the right word count and time by assemble language Design and accomplish a campus network Compile three programs which aim at solving the problems of queen question, non-ordinal taxis and Hash. The queen question is showed by figure --------------------------------------------------------------------- Skills and Abilities: Familiar with foundation of communication principle, once designed the manufacture foundation the frequency division electronic circuit Grasps the assembly language and the C language skilled, Java, once compiled many scripts Operates protel20xx electronic circuit design software skilled Skilled carries on the DSP processing and Digital Image processing using the MATLAB software Have a good command of both spoken and reading English. Pass Collage English Test CET-4. Cantonese and Mandarin, fluency --------------------------------------------------------------------- Scholarships and Awards: 20xx-20xx Third-class Academic Scholarship 20xx-20xx Third-class Academic Scholarship --------------------------------------------------------------------- Self intro: High sense of team work and excellent practical ability Diligent, conscientious, prudent Highly-motivated / enterprising , modest, optimistic Good communication skills and easy-going --------------------------------------------------------------------- Academic Main Courses: Digital Image Processing CDMA Principle Access Network Technology Software Engineering Digital Electronics Modern Exchange Principle Information Theory Mathematics Control Simulation Technology Linear Algebra C Language Digital Signal Processing Microwave and Satellite communication Monolithic Integrated Circuit Principle Modern Communication Principle Modern Fiber-Optic Communication Mobile Communication System Computer Network Technology Circuit Principal |
个人联系方式 |